
10 tips for cleaning toilet grime

In real life, for some unavoidable reasons, toilets and toilets often become dirty and yellow, affecting our mood and quality of life. And the stains on it are very difficult to clean.
10 tips for cleaning toilet gr
At this time, we need to use our killer skills. Here are 10 practical tips for cleaning toilets, which will make your life more comfortable and more assured.

Regular cleaning of the water tank method

Many people only clean the toilet and ignore the water tank. In fact, there is a lot of dirt in the water tank. You can clean it with a toilet cleaner at home, then wipe it with a cloth, and finally put some hot water. The cleaning effect very good.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Sandpaper descaling method

Use the finest sandpaper to rub the dirt on the toilet to remove dirt that cannot be removed by detergents.

Waste soap head method

put together the remaining soap head at home, put it in an unused stocking, and scrub the toilet wall with the soap head covered with stockings, the decontamination effect is excellent.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Baking soda descaling

Sprinkle baking soda in the toilet, and then brew with hot water for half an hour, the dirt can be brushed off.

Bleaching powder solution descaling method

first wipe with bleaching powder solution, and then rinse with water after a while.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Scrub the toilet with a self-made small brush

the flush toilet produces yellow dirt, which is difficult to clean with a brush. You can tie the waste nylon socks to one end of the stick, dip it in a foaming detergent, and clean it once a month to keep the toilet white. .

Vinegar descaling method

Pour the mixture of vinegar and water into the toilet, and after soaking for half a day, the scale will be wiped off immediately.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Descaling with detergent

first put an appropriate amount of water in the toilet, wash it with a toilet brush, then pour 5-10 ml of detergent, apply it evenly with a brush, and then brush.

84 Disinfectant

I accidentally found a good way to clear the dirt in the toilet. It not only saves time and effort, but also has good effect and low cost. Before going to bed at night, pour out a little of the 84 disinfectant in the water storage place of the toilet. Soak overnight, and don't use the toilet again. Rinse off normally the next morning and the toilet will be as clean as new.

Cola descaling

This belongs to waste recycling. It is a pity that we usually drink the leftover cola and dump it, but it can be introduced into the toilet and soaked for a period of time, and the dirt can be removed. If the removal is incomplete, you can use a brush to remove it.

The yellow dirt on the toilet that can't be cleaned with detergent can be solved with a "toilet paper"

Occasionally, we will see a circle of yellow dirt on the toilet, and it is annoying that the yellow dirt like this can't seem to be removed no matter how much cleaning agent is sprayed.

In fact, there are many reasons for the occurrence of yellow scale, in addition to the dirty urine scale, scale is also one of the factors. If the water quality is poor, over time, there will be circle-shaped dirt residues like this.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

To effectively remove such circular dirt, just follow the steps below!

Let's take a look at the toilet before cleaning, obviously, there is a circle of dirt.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

First of all, I use the "wet wipe method", which is to spray detergent on the toilet and cover it with toilet paper to increase the coverage.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

After the wet towel method has been used for one night, the dirt has become less, but if you look closely, there are still some residues.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Next, I used a water sand mesh specially designed to remove dirt from the toilet, and the dirt can be completely removed by lightly grinding with the water sand mesh.

10 tips for cleaning toilet gr

Wow~ It's clean! It looks so comfortable!

Note: The water sand net I used just now is from DUSKIN, which can be bought on the blog and 7net!

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