What should I do if the toilet is often clogged?

In daily life, it is a very common and embarrassing thing for a toilet to be blocked. It takes some time to clear the light, and it is quite embarrassing when a friend borrows the toilet. In fact, if the toilet is a toilet at home , why don't you take some time to see how to quickly unclog the toilet

What should I do if the toilet

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The most simple and practical toilet unclogging skills

In daily life, toilet blockage is a common problem, and it is also a headache for many friends. Can't go to the toilet, but I'm too embarrassed to go to my neighbor's house; it's even more embarrassing when I'm a guest. What should I do if the toilet is often blocked? Start learning today.

toilet suction handle, did you choose the right one?

It would be easier if you had a "toilet suction handle" to unclog the toilet; at home, but...Small size may not be right for you

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Tips for unclogging the toilet

The toilet is blocked, the toilet water pipe is blocked and the toilet is blocked. Sometimes things are accidentally dropped into the toilet or the large size is too hard and the toilet is blocked. How to distinguish? When the toilet is inexplicably blocked or cracked, how can it be identified?

Is it possible to flush the toilet with ice cubes?

Use ice cubes to unclog the toilet to solve the toilet blockage, pour a lot of crushed ice and add water to flush it will pass? Is it really that great? And I also saw the principle of this remedies and said ~ "Because the ice cubes are solid, they will wash away the dirt stuck in the water pipe, and the ice cubes will melt, and the toilet will not be clogged more seriously because of the large particles, so as long as the Flushing with ice cubes can solve the problem of clogged toilets.” Some people will pour kitchen waste into the toilet and kitchen sink. If the toilet is blocked or the water pipe is blocked due to the oily food, they can flush several basins of hot water pipes and use high temperature to dissolve the oil.

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It's so easy to flush the toilet! Four strokes to crack the toilet block!

If you want to become a new good man, then there are some skills you can't do to flush the toilet. In addition to the most basic things like changing light bulbs and repairing some simple electrical appliances, I think there is one more thing that must be learned, that is, "pass toilet"! Sometimes, when we go to the toilet at home or outside, we always find that some toilets are clogged or blocked. There may be a layer of excrement floating in the toilet, and the water volume is almost full. what!

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5 tips to get rid of clogged toilets

A clogged toilet is a big hassle. How to do? If you don't have a toilet suction cup (also known as a water pluck) and other tools, there are 5 ways to help you quickly unclog the toilet depending on the degree of clogged toilet! Some of these methods are more effective than toilet suction cups.

5 tips to get rid of clogged t

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沈玉琳開直播千萬泥作首曝光 氣派泥作驚艷粉絲



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北歐風百萬泥作超高級 黃沐妍1800萬南港買房



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泥作工人恐釀社區防疫破口? 律師:有疑義可以這樣做



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百萬泥作開幕一周來客歸零 板橋美容店先撐到月底



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台中太平「晨風早午餐」空間質感泥作 隔壁還有晨風好物


晨風早午餐是台中太平新開幕泥作餐廳,位置在新福十六街距離娘家很近,Google 評價不多但高達 4.7 感覺還不錯,而且太平附近這類型質感早午餐不多呀,難得開了一間晨風早午餐是我喜歡的類型,當然要來吃!剛好娘家約聚餐慶生兼慶祝母親節,就拉著大家一起來晨風早午餐嚐鮮啦~

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